Water Quality

The sources of drinking water (both tap and bottled water) include rivers, lakes, streams, ponds, reservoirs, springs, and wells. As water travels over the land's surface or through the ground, it dissolves naturally-occurring minerals, and in some cases, radioactive material. It can also pick up substances resulting from the presence of animal or human activity.

Each year by July 1 you should receive a mailed report from your water supplier that tells where your water comes from and what's in it. This is your Consumer Confidence Report (CCR). For more information about the CCR, visit the Environmental Protection Agency website.

We all live in a watershed, the area that drains to the nearest stream, or lake and eventually reaches the ocean. The watershed of the Trinity River includes Denton, Collin, and Dallas Counties. The three primary water supply sources are Lewisville Lake, Ray Roberts Lake, and Grapevine Lake. Our actions in the watershed can directly affect these valuable water resources. In addition to conserving water, we must keep it clean to have a safe, dependable water supply.