Protecting Our Water Resources

Water, many agree, is our most precious natural resource; without it, life ceases.  With the turn or pull of a handle, you get as much as you want, whenever you want it.  Yet judging by our water-use practices, many people take water for granted.

Per capita water use in Texas averages 164 gallons per person per day.  By adopting water-saving measures, you can reduce that amount and save money. Making a habit of conservation makes sense.  It protects the water resources for both our current and future generations.  Using water more efficiently will not only save money, but more importantly, will also help protect the quality of life for years to come.  It is easy to forget two important facts about where we live.  Texas is subject to frequent droughts and our population is projected to double in the next 50 years.  The cost to develop new or additional supplies in that same time period is estimated to be $30.7 billion dollars.  We need to reduce the amount of water we waste to ensure we have enough cost-effective water for our future. 

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