wylands 2022

CORINTH, TX, April 5, 2022-Corinth has joined the Wyland National Mayors Challenge for Water Conservation for the fourth year in a row! As issues regarding droughts, accessibility, and rising costs become increasingly prevalent, saving water is a priority for the city. Through rewarding residents for proactive water conservation, the Mayors Challenge has already saved over seven billion gallons of water since 2013.


“The Mayors Challenge is a friendly competition between cities to determine who can be the most water-wise,” shared Mayor Heidemann. “Pledge your support today and we can protect these vital resources for future generations.”


Over 700,000 residents across the U.S. took the pledge in 2021. The community with the highest percentage of residents participating in their population category wins. Among communities of similar size, Corinth finished ninth overall and first in Texas last year. The City hopes to rank even higher this year.


Entering the Mayor’s Challenge promotes efficient water usage, and helps residents save money on water utilities. Participating also gives residents the chance to win cash prizes, as well as a 2022 Toyota Highlander Hybrid for a local charity.


The Mayor’s Challenge is sponsored by the Wyland Foundation. To register, residents should go to There, they can take the pledge, see Corinth’s current standing, and encourage their neighbors to participate