Sponsorship Opportunities

The Field Sponsorship program is a cooperative effort between the City of Corinth, residents, local business owners, clubs, and organizations to help keep the parks, and athletic fields beautiful. Interested parties may sponsor one or more locations in Corinth.

Program Requirements

  • The Sponsor will agree to maintain or fund the maintenance of an area agreed upon by the City and the Sponsor for a one-year period.
  • All sponsorships must directly relate to the intent of the City Property, Facility, Event, or Service, and its master plan.
  • All Sponsors must be a resident of or a business located within the City of Corinth.
  • Sponsorships will need to provide a positive and desirable improvement consistent with the standards of the City.  
  • Recognition benefits to be offered do not compromise the design standards and visual integrity of the property or facility.
  • All sponsorship proposals that exceed $10,000 will be brought to the City Council for approval.
  • Groups or individuals must agree with the terms and sign the City’s sponsorship agreement.
slogans,religious themes, websites, or advertisements will not be approved.