
CORINTH, TX, December 1, 2020 – Local Girl Scout, Piper Davison, is embarking on the highest award a Girl Scout can achieve – the Gold Award. Piper's Gold Award project is building a dog park in her local community of Corinth. She has had the privilege of presenting and received approval for her idea at recent City Council, Planning & Zoning Commission, and Parks Board meetings. The City has worked with Piper to identify an underused practice football field in the Corinth Community Park that fulfills several needs – pre-existing lighted parking and irrigation. However, the site requires modifications to meet the needs of the dog park.

The Girl Scout Gold Award builds on experiences gained while working on the Bronze and Silver Awards. With an estimated 80 volunteer hours required to complete the Gold Award, the Girl Scout must develop and implement a project benefiting her community, nation, or the world.

"We are so proud of Piper and fully support her vision to add a dog park to Corinth," stated Mayor Bill Heidemann. "Piper is an inspiration to youths in our community. We hope more of our youth will follow in her footsteps and get involved to make our City better."

Piper joined Girl Scouts as a Brownie when she was in first grade. Over the past ten years, she has volunteered hundreds of hours in Corinth and its surrounding communities. Piper enjoys donating her time at local senior centers, school blood drives, and community events. She especially loves working with animals and supporting charities and non-profits that focus on improving animals' lives.

"I have always loved animals and really enjoy service projects that benefit them," explains Piper. "We have had our dog for about a year, and walking her in our neighborhood has made me realize how great a dog park would be. It's really hard for dogs to socialize without getting all tangled up in their leashes!"

Piper is currently a member of the Ryan High School Rotary Club, where she serves as the treasurer and is the City of Corinth Youth Advisory Council's secretary. She also volunteers at Victory Equestrian Center and the City of Lake Dallas Animal Shelter when she can.

A Facebook page has been created to share Piper's progress on the dog park. Visit facebook.com/cityofcorinthdogpark for updates. If you would like to donate to the dog park, please visit gofundme.com/f/corinth-dog-park. All donations will go towards purchases for the dog park, such as fencing, benches, shade structures, and waste stations.