Energy Usage - HB3693

The City of Corinth will comply with the requirements of HB 3693 (Government Code § 2265) by compiling and posting the following information annually:

  • The total metered amount of electricity, water, and natural gas used by the city or governmental entity for its services.
  • The total amount paid for electricity, water, and natural gas. The total annual cost paid for the three utility services appear as one figure.

2023 City of Corinth Energy Usage

The City of Corinth purchases electricity from NRG/Reliant Energy, GEXA Energy, and the City of Denton. In calendar year 2023, the City purchased a total of 3,469,395 kilowatt hours of electricity.

The City of Corinth purchases natural gas from CoServ and Atmos Energy. In calendar year 2023, the City purchased a total of 7,851 cubic feet of natural gas.

The City of Corinth purchases water from Upper Trinity Regional Water District and Lake Cities Municipal Utility Authority.  In calendar year 2023, the City purchased a total of 26,488,238 gallons of water.

The total cost of natural gas, electricity and water purchased by the City in the calendar year 2023 is $550,963.